Виртуальная песочница (тм)

Friday, March 24, 2017

Java User Group Latvia - 41st meeting on 30-March-2017

JUG LV Homepage
Free Registration for JUG LV #41, Konventa Seta, 9/11 Kalēju iela, LV-1050, Rīga


1. Service interaction patterns and anti-patterns by Dmitry Lebedev

Somehow, there are some important things in service-to-service interactions, which are often missed, when we are building our services in a hurry, but later those aspects may play a significant role in your application performance and stability. How to organize service-to-service calls, how to optimize them, what to do in order to make them fail safe, what to do when a request has failed and etc.
This talk is rather a general discussion of available approaches, than a prescription of which library or framework to use, but some Java-related recipes will be given. And as a cherry on top of it all - some real-life war stories.

2. Testing RESTful services: The What, The How and The Automated by Alexey Buzdin

Nowadays REST-like is a default architectural pattern for developing web services. Since Client and Server sides are completely decoupled and each web-service has a client-agnostic interface exposed over HTTP it would be a good idea to test that exact HTTP interface. Thus instead of using UI Automation for end-to-end tests we can use a more lightweight approach with testing HTTP. This presentation will cover my experience of writing robust and maintainable test suits for Java and non-Java web services with Cucumber DSL based on experience with more than a dozen projects.

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