Виртуальная песочница (тм)

Friday, October 30, 2015

Боливар не выдержит двоих...

from: Monk-lands medical Center London
reply-to: basiliоbоlivаr607@yahоо.cоm
date: Fri, Oct 30, 2015
subject: Message From: Mr. Basilio Bit
mailed-by: zeus.it

Beloved in Christ,

Peace of the Lord be with you and family, My name is: Mr. Berenguer Bolivar Basilio a Spanish national raised in United Kingdom (UK), I have ($25M) Twenty five Million united states dollars with a finance House in United State. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity organizations. You will take out 30% of these funds for your assistance to help me disburse this fund to charities as I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer.

It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live. I am very rich, but was never generous; I have given most of my assets to my immediate family members.. I will like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible and treats with absolute confidentiality and sincerity

Please reply to my private Email @: ( basiliоbоlivаr607@yahоо.cоm )

Look forward to hearing from you

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Bolivar B. Basilio

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