Виртуальная песочница (тм)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Java User Group Latvia - 35th meeting on 11-December-2014

JUG LV Homepage
Free Registration for JUG LV #35


#1 Build Your Own Cross-platform Tool in Java by Alexey Buzdin

Writing cross-platform apps is always though. You spend ages to find a right tool for you or your company and then struggle to fix all the bugs and production issues in your app. Or you go with a Write Once Show in Web way using Apache Cordova. In his talk Alexey will sum up the issues of crossplatform development, bring up the major things you need in your cross-platform tool and explain how to build one with Java.

#2 Make your app stand out! Custom Views by Sergey Trembach

In this talk Sergey will explain how and why you might need to customize your Android Views and how to handle it correctly. We will deep dive in View and ViewGroup contracts their features, that will be explained in a problem-solution way.

1 comment:

Кирилл Ш. said...

Привет! Ты в Скайпе появляешься? Есть тема для разговора :)